
Monday, June 16, 2014

Learning As We Go

Parenting is hard. Every time you think you're starting to get the hang of it a new challenge presents itself. Here is our latest dilemma. Aidan goes to daycare while Brian and I work. It was the hardest decision we have had to make so far, but after weighing the pros and cons we decided that's what would work best for our family. We toured multiple childcare centers, asked for recommendations from friends, and did a lot of research. The daycare that we chose has been great! You can tell how much they work with the kids and that they truly care about them, Aidan loves going there!

Unfortunately a few weeks ago we were told some disturbing news. The daycare received a bomb threat. My heart sank when I found out. You hear a news story almost every day about school shootings, bomb threats, or kids being abused by childcare providers, but this hit too close to home. The director of the facility took the threat very seriously and handled it appropriately. Luckily it was only an empty threat. My anxiety however hit an all time high and I never wanted to let Aidan out of my sight again. Then I realized.. He is 3.. this is only going to get worse the older and more independent he becomes. 

So, instead of forcing my child to grow up to be the hermit I want him to be, I began teaching him what to do if there was an emergency; in and out of the home. It is something that all children must be taught at some point, I just thought I had a little more time. By the way- I NEVER imagined how difficult these things would be to teach. It is hard to come across as serious, but not scary, while using terminology appropriate for a 3 year old. We have went over what to do if there is a fire, with a meeting place outside. What to do if there are tornado warnings. Also how to call 911 and when it is necessary. There is a lot more that I plan on teaching him but I am trying not to overwhelm him with information so what I am saying will really sink in. 

My question is: At what age did you teach your children what to do in the event of an emergency? Any tips or tricks to make it easier?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Over the River and Through the Woods

To Grandmother's house we go! You all sang that, right? :) Anyway. I woke up at 3 am (thanks Daisy!) and couldn't get back to sleep, so I decided to write this post. I feel like I need to start with a little back story though... 

Brian's grandma owns a 75+ acre operating produce farm that we have lived on for the past 5 years. Actually, all of his family has lived on it at some point in time. Brian grew up on the farm, his parents own the house right next door to his grandparents house. Two of his aunts each have a house next door as well as two rental properties on the opposite side of the land. That is where we live. So we literally can walk over the river (okay, it's more like a creek) and through the woods to get to his grandmother's house.

Well, last night we paid our very LAST rental check! We will be closing on our new house by the end of this month! Everyone who knows me, knows I can not wait to move; we have been house hunting forever. That's why when I felt kind of upset about moving I surprised myself a little! We have been going through totes and boxes in our house/barn/basement for weeks, which have brought up emotions of their own (mostly good, it was fun taking a little trip down memory lane, seeing all of our wedding stuff again, and I even found my Minnie ears from our first trip to Walt Disney World together!), but I think last night was when it really hit me.

The house that we rent was the PERFECT house for us when we first decided to move in, that was in 2009- the year we were married. Although the house is small, there was plenty of room for the two of us, plus Daisy, and she loved the yard! Even when we found out we were expecting Aidan, Brian's grandma allowed us to do some remodeling. Not to mention we have lived there for practically nothing. There is only one "problem". Our little boy is spoiled! Between Aidan's grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles, great-aunts and uncles, cousins etc., he is always getting something new. Our house is busting at the seams with all of his stuff! Don't get me wrong. We are extremely blessed and so very thankful for all of the love we have in our lives. We just need more room.

There are plenty of "plus sides" to us moving. We are more than tripling our square footage, we are within walking distance to my sister, we are almost dead center in the distance between our parents' homes and still very close to where we live now. But.. This is the house that we came home to for the first time as a married couple. This is the house where we set up Aidan's nursery, where we brought him home from the hospital. We have so many memories here! I know we will make new memories in our new home but a piece of our hearts will always be here.

Here are some of my favorite memories on Maddux Farm.
P.S.- I'm usually not a mushy person, so cut me some slack!
We did our Engagement Pictures on the farm. It was really hard for me to pick my favorites!

Aidan's Nursery
Aidan's First Day Home!

First time eating cereal.

Playing with new toys after his 1st birthday party!
Daisy roaming the fields on a walk to Mamaw and Papaw's.
Playing outside!
Playing in the snow!