
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Partners in Crime

To say that it wasn't exactly love at first sight when Daisy met Aidan may be an understatement. Daisy was 2 years old when I had Aidan so she was still very energetic. The dog doesn't have a mean bone in her body, but I know some of our family was concerned that she would jump on him out of excitement or be a little too "loving". When I brought Aidan home from the hospital Daisy wouldn't even look at me for at least a week! She was not used to sharing our attention. 

One night Brian was laying on the couch with little 3 week old Aidan on his chest and Daisy at his feet. Daisy inched her way up slowly until she was snuggled right next to Aidan. (I didn't have my camera handy so I snapped this picture with my phone.) Ever since the pair have been inseparable! 

Here are some more pictures of the two of them over the past three years.
**Sorry for the low quality! They were all taken with my iPhone4s and saved through Instagram.