
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Letter C!

This week was the letter C! I have to admit, I always have great intentions about taking pictures, but a lot of times I get so wrapped up in the stuff we are doing that I forget. I also am notorious for walking out the door and forgetting my camera. I am trying to get better about it, but you'll see one day this week where I forgot to get the camera out until after we were done, whoops!

C is for:

CORN! I just cut out a shape that looked like a corn cob, popped some popcorn and let them glue the popcorn on. I think they had more fun eating the popcorn than doing the project! Landon was even trying to pull a Billy Madison and use the glue as a yummy dipping sauce! :)

CUPCAKE! I baked some cupcakes and let the boys decorate their own! We also did a cupcake coloring page. This was another day where they liked eating better! Next time I will probably try a lighter color icing.

COW! We glued some black spots, ears and horns on a paper plate to make our cows. (As you can tell all of our projects are super easy to prepare!) On the crafts that don't have the actual letter involved I write the letter as large as I can on the back so they are still learning to recognize the letters too.

CATERPILLAR! This was the day I forgot to get out the camera. We took puff balls and formed them into the letter C and added some googly eyes!

Some of the snacks/food we ate this week to go with the letter C included: CHEESE CUBES, CANTALOUPE, CUCUMBERS, CHIPS, CHERRIES, and CELERY!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Letter B!

This week the boys and I worked on the letter B! We look forward to doing our crafts each day, it is the perfect break between playtime and lunchtime. You will notice that Landon participates in the pictures every day, it's actually hard to get a picture of him where he is not saying "cheese" because he LOVES the camera! :) Aidan is the complete opposite! He has always hated having pictures taken. On a very rare occasion he will look at the camera and smile, most of the time it involves bribery, and if he asks to have his picture taken I make sure to snap a few (after I compose myself from the shock of him asking). Anyway, here are some of the projects we made this week.

B is for:

BEE! We painted paper plates yellow, then added black stripes and wings I cut out of vellum. I took off their shirts so they wouldn't get paint on them. For a snack they had BANANAS. I even threw in a picture of how Daisy -or as Landon would say "ZeZe"- spends most of her day, she loves to see whats going on in the neighborhood (and bark about it!), plus I'm sure she is thrilled that she doesn't have to stay home by herself all day now!

BLUEBERRY! We used blue circles I cut out with my Cricut and popsicle sticks to make the basket. I also made Blueberry muffins for breakfast, and they were delicious! This is one of the days Aidan didn't want his picture taken.

BUTTERFLY! For our butterfly I printed out a coloring sheet. Here is the link for the website: . I made BLUE jello for their snack that day.

BEACH BALL! We decorated the beach ball that I printed out with tissue paper of different colors, they had a lot of fun with the glue!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Letter A!

Now that Aidan and Landon are home with me throughout the week I want to make sure they are learning something new each day. The first thing we will be working on are our letters; we will be focusing on one letter each week. This past week we worked on the letter "A". I am trying to incorporate crafts, books, snacks, etc., that begin with the letter. Here are some of our projects!

A is for:
ACORN! Brian, Aidan, and I went hunting for acorns at Brian's parents' house for this project. (I also used some for my fall decorations!:)) Our snack for the day was ANIMAL crackers.

ALLIGATOR! I got this idea from Pinterest. I have a Cricut Explore machine so I used that to cut out the A, then cut some triangles for the teeth. Super easy- even without a Cricut, it wouldn't be hard to cut out the letters! 

ANT! If you google "alphabet worksheet printables" there are THOUSANDS of options, completely free! This one was an ant so for our snack we had "ANTS on a log", yum! 

APPLE! I used my Cricut for some help with this project as well. I cut out a rectangle and an oval for the tree, then some small apples for them to glue on the apple tree. We read Chicka Chicka 123 and had apples for a snack!

The best thing about all of these projects was that I was able to do all of them with out spending ANY extra money! I have an abundance of card stock, from my scrap booking days, so the paper was on-hand. I also planned what we would be doing before I went to the grocery store so I was able to add the foods into our normal list. I do plan on going to the Dollar Tree this week and picking up a few things but it will still be very inexpensive! We are doing the alphabet in order so next week will be the letter B!

What kind of projects do you do with your preschooler/toddlers? 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Most Important Work

Found on Pinterest through:

Never in a million years did I think I would be a stay at home mom, BUT last month I resigned from my job. Now I will be spending my days playing with ninja turtles, cooking yummy meals, and teaching my favorite boys to be smart little gentlemen! My nephew Landon will be joining Aidan and I Monday through Friday. This week is my first full week home with both boys so we are still getting into a routine and establishing a schedule. 

I am excited for this new adventure and I feel very lucky to have this opportunity. It was not a decision that I, or my husband, took lightly. I saw the quote I posted above and thought- that is exactly why I want to be a stay at home mom. Nothing is more important to me than my family! I couldn't be happier to have this extra time with them.

We have quite a bit going on to finish out the year, so I should have plenty of things to post about. Stay tuned!